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The most active form of calciferol is vitamin D3

Calciferol plays an extremely important role in the processes of vital activity. Unlike other vitamins, it acts as a hormone, and every cell of any organ has a receptor for it.

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The active form of calciferol is vitamin D3

The well-being and efficiency of the human body are closely related to its lifestyle, nutrition, and environmental factors. The lack of useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs threatens serious health problems. One of them is vitamin D, or calciferol. Most of it is formed in the body under the influence of ultraviolet light, the rest comes from food.

According to experts from the UK, more than one billion of the world's population have low levels of calciferol. Many people experience a lack of sunlight, especially in winter. The reason for this is work in offices, dense urban development and smog from steam and smoke hanging in the air. It is not always possible to compensate for the reduced synthesis of vitamin D by revising the diet, therefore, additional intake of the substance as part of dietary supplements is recommended for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Biotela produces the most active form of calciferol – vitamin D3. Chewable tablets of a rounded shape of a light yellow color have a pleasant unobtrusive vanilla aroma and an unobtrusive sweet taste. Thanks to the lactose-based, they do not crunch when biting and do not stick to the teeth. Each tablet contains 1000 IU of cholecalciferol, which makes it easy to calculate the necessary amount for daily intake for preventive or therapeutic purposes. The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of deficiency of the component and concomitant diseases. Each jar of a dietary supplement contains 120 or 1000 small pills.

Vitamin D3 BioTela Benefits

What is vitamin D?

"Vitamin D" means 2 forms of this substance: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)

Vitamin D combines a group of substances (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5), but only two of their forms play an important role in the human body – D2 or ergocalciferol, and D3 or cholecalciferol. By the liver, and then by the kidneys, they are converted into the active metabolite – calcitriol.

The optimal dosage of vitamin D3

In the skin, 80% of vitamin D3 is formed from cholesterol under the influence of the B-spectrum of UV rays, and 20% enter the body with food of animal origin. The production of calciferol is regulated by the parathyroid hormone of the parathyroid glands.

Russian Association of Endocrinologists has approved the optimal concentration of calciferol in the blood of a healthy adult at 30-100 ng/ml. The insufficiency of the substance is considered 20-30 ng/ml, and the deficiency is 1-20 ng/ml.

Causes of vitamin D deficiency

The main factor in the development of calciferol deficiency in the body is limited exposure to the sun. Vitamin D is synthesized only if the sun's rays hit the skin at a certain angle, which is observed from eleven to two o'clock in the afternoon. The part of the spectrum that is necessary for the body does not penetrate through the window glass, and not everyone has the opportunity to go outside in a timely manner. Often, children sleep during these hours or study, and adults work indoors. In addition, clouds and urban smog are able to retain up to half of the ultraviolet radiation. The symptoms of hypovitaminosis are especially pronounced in winter – from the end of November to the beginning of March.

The following factors also reduce the level of vitamin D:

  1. regular use of sunscreen in the summer;
  2. tobacco smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages;

3. accommodation in the northern temperate zone;

4. inclusion in the diet of meat of animals that have not been in the sun much, for example, grown in a farm;

5. chronic diseases – obesity, gastrointestinal pathologies, accompanied by reduced absorption of calciferol;

6. the use of certain medications

Who should take it and why

Дополнительный прием холекальциферола рекомендован не только при наличии факторов риска развития гиповитаминоза D или при уже установленном дефиците вещества в организме, но и всем людям с профилактической целью, особенно в зимнее время. Наибольшую потребность в витамине D3 испытывают:

  1. Пациенты с заболеваниями печени, почек и кишечника. У людей с патологиями этих органов процесс синтеза кальциферола нарушается
  2. Обладатели смуглой кожи. Высокая содержание меланина в темной или загорелой коже защищает ее от ультрафиолета, что снижает объем синтезируемого витамина
  3. Женщины во время беременности и кормления грудью. Формирующемуся скелету плода требуется большое количество минеральных веществ, которые он получает из организма матери. При лактации также происходит большая потеря кальция, потому кальциферола в этот период также не хватает.
  4. Лица старше 60 лет. С возрастом ухудшается всасывание жира кишечником, что негативно отражается на усвояемости жирорастворимого витамина D.
  5. Люди, страдающие ожирением. У них кальциферол растворяется в жировой ткани раньше, чем успевает принять участие в ряде биохимических процессов.
  6. Жители северных регионов. Эти люди практически лишены солнца. Рацион в таких местах также часто бывает недостаточно разнообразным, что требует дополнительного приема питательных веществ, витаминов и минералов.
  7. Вегетарианцы. Отсутствие в рационе продуктов животного происхождения сопровождается сниженным поступлением кальциферола.
  8. Любители газированных напитков, молочных продуктов и некоторых других видов пищи, богатой фосфатами. Избыток фосфора в организме мешает полноценно усваивать и использовать витамин Д.

Полезные свойства для организма

Despite the fact that vitamin D was discovered more than a hundred years ago, its functions in the body continue to be studied. It is already known for sure that calciferol plays an extremely important role in the processes of vital activity. Unlike other vitamins, it acts as a hormone, and every cell of any organ has a receptor for it.


Effect on metabolism

Vitamin D binds to intracellular receptors and forms gene transcription, providing an effect on all functions and systems of the body. It also stimulates the production of carrier proteins necessary for the transport of nutrients and trace elements. Taking part in the synthesis of the ATP molecule, which generates energy for vital processes, calciferol is an integral part of any metabolic processes.


Improving immunity

Vitamin D increases the production of anti-inflammatory receptors that inhibit proliferation and cause differentiation of cells necessary to fight infection. It also stimulates the synthesis of monocytes that purify the blood.

With a lack of calciferol, the body's resistance to infection decreases. Concomitant disorders in the work of the immune system can even lead to the development of autoimmune and oncological pathologies.


Strengthening of the musculoskeletal system

Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, "printing" the cells of bone tissue, teeth and nail plates to absorb these macronutrients. In the case of a lack of calciferol, calcium does not accumulate in the bones, reducing their elasticity and resistance to fractures. With a deficiency of the substance, the synthesis of connective tissue, in particular cartilage, is also disrupted. As a result, a person experiences pain in the joints and spine.


Slowing down aging

Vitamin D stimulates the production of collagen, which provides elasticity and smoothness of the skin. With a lack of calciferol, its aging and the formation of wrinkles occurs faster.


Improvement of nerve conduction and mental performance

Calciferol improves the transmission of impulses between neurons. Its lack leads to paresis of smooth muscles and a decrease in intestinal peristalsis. It is also possible to develop multiple sclerosis, skeletal muscle damage and vision impairment.


Influence on the reproductive system

With hypovitaminosis D, the process of egg maturation stops in women. The reproductive function in men is also disrupted – the production of testosterone and the formation of spermatozoa decreases, which threatens the appearance of impotence, the development of male infertility. During pregnancy, the body's need for calciferol increases significantly, since it affects the development of the embryo, the formation of its skeleton and brain.

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